I think you need to ask yourself what it is you’re trying to do.
Whatever her name was, do you need her?
We need less history. We need to keep moving forward.
I don’t want to tell you what to do, but you should stop holding back.
You totally lost me when I thought it was going to be about something else, then it finally got going.
I used to know someone just like her. Sometimes her voice didn’t fit. She seemed kind of unbelievable.
I loved her in that one part. I wanted to get inside her head.
I wanted to know what she was thinking.
This is grating. Maybe you should lose all of this.
This is where I wanted to see more of her and didn’t.
Maybe you should end this right here. Don’t look at it, then come back to it,
but not as yourself.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but you spend too much time here and sometimes
you have voice problems.
You keep jumping around.
I think I said this before: What I need to be reminded of is this feeling—
I always want to be in good hands—and you buried this feeling
Because you’re asking too much.
So, reveal a little more, give it more time, add some emotion,
Just a word here and there.
You’re almost ready to show this to someone.
This is lovely. Reminiscent of Jenny Offill’s “Dept. Of Speculation.” Which I adore.
I love this.