The Futureness is three: The novel titled The Futureness, in progress, short stories that appear semi-regularly, and a completed novel, Into It.


The Futureness

(in progress): A blood oath, transubstantiation, and the number that defines the future. Resuming now.

Into It:

Two high school boys, John (made dangerously manic by illicit medications) and Adam (a secretive obsessive) respond to media coverage of a massive school shooting by plotting the destruction of their own school. Meanwhile, their classmate, Meredith, secretly plans to stop them.

Short Stories

Frequently appear.

1953 TV & Radio Nbc #12 Morgan Beatty PSA 7
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Sci-fi novel in progress. Short stories.


I designed a landing pad for extraterrestrials in junior high school. It still works.